Select Raters

Anybody who is credible to the participant and is familiar enough with his/her performance can be included in the feedback process: supervisor, peers, direct reports, customers, vendors, etc. Each source can provide a different perspective, creating a richer and more accurate picture of the individual.

Ideally the participant will have full involvement in identifying those suitable to comment on their performance.

This increases participant’s sense of ownership and decreases the likelihood they will reject negative feedback.

The number of raters is important. Usually 8-15 raters provide a very valuable report.

Overall number of raters should be large enough; if the number is too small, there is a danger that a single rater’s biased view will have a major impact on the overall results.

Number of raters in a single responder category that requires confidentiality protection should be at least 3.


  • Establish a clear process for identifying raters
  • Involve participants in rater selection


  • Selecting raters who are not familiar enough with the participant’s performance
  • Too few raters (1-2) in categories that require anonymity: peers, direct reports, etc.