
Scale Design

Scale Design Scales appear in Questionnaires next to Behavior Descriptions. For instance, they might allow Responders to indicate whether the Subject shows a certain behavior to Responders ("Disagree" / "Agree"),…
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Introductory And Closing Text

Introductory And Closing Text This text appears above and below the questions in the Questionnaire. Every word in these boxes is editable, even the text on the "Submit Response" button.…
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About The Question List

About The Question List The Question List is the part of the Questionnaire that appears between the Intro and Closing Texts. You create the Question List by choosing "Add New"…
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Add Elements to Question List

Add Elements to Question List What Are "Elements" Use the design questionnaire page to enter elements: The Question Headings that introduce questions in the questionnaire The questions: Numerics, Dual-scale Numerics, and Narrative Comments Lines, Vertical Spaces,…
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Editing Questions

Editing Questions On the "Design/Edit Questionnaire" page choose "Edit Questions". There, you can edit elements you already have in your questionnaire. On the "Edit Questions" page, you can: delete unwanted…
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Narrative Comments

Narrative Comments Narrative Comments are very powerful when they appear in a Report. By contrast with the numerical charts, they provide color and detail. Subjects often say that the comments…
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Questionnaire Text Adaptation

Questionnaire Text Adaptation All elements of the Panoramic Feedback questionnaires are editable. If you need to set up your questionnaire in a language other than English, simply replace the English…
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Paper Version Of Questionnaire

Paper Version Of Questionnaire Generate Paper (PDF) Questionnaires:  This feature (used rarely) allows you to generate a questionnaire in a PDF format, for Responders without access to the Internet. On…
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