Narrative Comments

Narrative Comments are very powerful when they appear in a Report. By contrast with the numerical charts, they provide color and detail. Subjects often say that the comments played a key role in helping them understand the changes their Responders were hoping to see.

Narrative comment boxes impose no restrictions on the length of the text entered, allowing Responders to provide as much detail as they wish.

Available on the "Design Comments" page

  • Allow or disallow comments that appear with each Heading.
  • Customize, add more, or delete comments at the Conclusion of the Questionnaire.
  • Enter instructions for comment requests.

Available Elsewhere

  • Invite comments at other locations in the Questionnaire by adding a Narrative Comments element to the Question List, on the "Design/Edit Questionnaire" page. (Available in Enterprise Edition only.)
  • Allow or prohibit comments by certain Categories of Responder. On the PEOPLE tab, Responder Categories sub-tab, edit the Categories, choosing whether to "Allow Comments?"
  • Include or exclude comments in final Report. You control this when you generate reports.

Concluding Comments

The standard Panoramic Feedback questionnaire provides a single box, preceded by a Title and Introduction, for Responders to enter Concluding Comments. You can edit the Title or Introduction provided here by default.

You are free to insert additional Concluding Comments, with no limit on the number you can add.