Typically, 2-4 reminder emails are scheduled per project. However, the number of reminder emails can be adjusted based on the specific needs and the timeline of the project.
Certainly, you can use the “Re-send emails” feature to re-send your emails to specific individuals or entire group. (However, it's important to note that it's not advisable to re-send Reminder emails, as Reminders are best handled through scheduled delivery to maintain consistency and reliability.)
On the EMAILS tab, select the email you want to send. On the "More Actions" dropdown, select "Re-send emails". On the "Re-send emails" page, select the people to send it to, and click "Re-send".
Panoramic Feedback is a system that sends bulk email. If your Responders are not receiving your email notifications, it is possible that emails from Panoramic Feedback are being marked as spam. To address this issue, it is recommended to 'Whitelist' or 'Trust' our domains, as well as those of our email service provider: panoramicfeedback.com, 360respond.com, and mandrillapp.com. We advise speaking with your IT department about this before launching your 360 project. (For more information, please refer to the "Involve IT" page under the EMAILS tab.)
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