
Report Introduction

Report Introduction When Subjects receive their feedback report, the Introduction helps them navigate what may initially seem like a confusing array of information. This guidance is crucial for setting expectations [...]
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Status Report

Status Report Status by Subject Report shows response level for the selected Project. People who opted out of receiving Auto Emails are shown in grey. "Total Responses" is percentage of [...]
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Generating Reports For Subjects

Guide To Generating Reports For Subjects Lexicon You Cannot Perform Other Tasks While Report Is Generating How To Generate A Report Fees Report Preference Profile Comparative Reporting: High risk How [...]
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Responder Categories In Report

Responder Categories In Report The upper box (Responder Categories Display) shows the Responder Categories to which you assigned Responders on the PEOPLE tab. When you select a Category, the lower [...]
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Report Text Adaptation

Report Text Adaptation This customization page allows you to adapt standard text which appears in 360-degree feedback Reports. You can substitute equivalent wording in another language, or change the wording [...]
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Export Responses

Export Responses Export is valuable because it provides all response data in raw form, enabling you to analyze and manipulate the data for Strategic purposes. The only information omitted from [...]
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