Status Report

Status by Subject

Report shows response level for the selected Project.

People who opted out of receiving Auto Emails are shown in grey.

"Total Responses" is percentage of responses received for the entire Project. Numbers in parentheses are Responses Received/Responders Assigned.

To display or conceal names of all Responders, toggle "Show Responders"/"Hide Responders".

To display or conceal names of Responders for one Subject, click arrow next to the Subject name.

"Print View" provides data formatted so you can print or send it.

Status by Responder

Displays how many assessments each Responder is assigned to complete and tracks which assessments have already been completed, along with the completion dates.

  • To display or conceal the names of all Subjects, toggle "Show Responders"/"Hide Responders".
  • To display or conceal the names of Subjects for a specific Responder, click the arrow beside the Subject's name.
  • The display shows the Responder's Category next to each Subject.

Responders Selected

Displays how many Responders each Subject has selected. Useful for checking on progress, when Subjects are making their own Responder selection.

To display Responders assigned to an individual Subject, click on arrow beside Subject's name.