Comparisons in individual 360 reports offer valuable insights into how a Subject’s performance or behavior stacks up against peers or their past results, enhancing self-awareness and guiding targeted development. By seeing where they stand relative to others, individuals can be motivated to refine their skills and improve their performance, fueling both personal and professional growth. These comparisons also foster accountability by making individuals more aware of how their performance aligns with organizational expectations. For organizations, comparisons across individuals can uncover trends and identify gaps, providing crucial information for making informed strategic decisions about team dynamics and overall development.
Choose "Previous Results" as the comparison marker, to compare the Subject's results with her/his ratings in a previous year, or at the beginning of a now-completed course, etc.
Note: The People List in the current project must include an OLDSAC column containing the participant's Subject Access Code from the previous assessment. This old SAC instructs the system on which data to use for comparing the current results.
Comparing to the Subject's previous assessment allows a measurement of progress, which is particularly motivating when the 360s are held before and after a course or other growth experience.
Select "Group Average" to compare the Subject’s ratings with the average ratings of all participants in the Project.
Choose "Percentile" to compare the Subject’s ratings against those of individuals who fall within the selected percentile range in the Project.
For group comparisons, you can also include data from additional Projects, as long as they have the same structure.
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