Editing An Auto Email

What Are The Components Of An Auto Email?

Most Auto Emails have four sections:

Email Subject line

You provide a Subject line that invites the reader's attention.

Personalized top part of the email 

The top section of the email is personalized automatically by the system. You do not have write it or do anything to make it appear.

The top part automatically displays a unique PID that allows the Subject to choose Responders, or the Responder to answer the questionnaire(s). It also provides a link to the URL at which they perform these actions.

Note: The Automatic Report emails lack the top part but include a PDF attachment of the individual's report.

Email body text

We provide sample text for most types of email. You have to review and customize the default text.

Opt-out part

Provides the link and PID to opt-out of receiving further emails for the PID.


Subjects Are Responders

The default is that all Subjects self-respond to their questionnaires, unless you choose on the People tab that a Subject should not respond.

The rationale is that self-response provides a valuable point of comparison to the responses of others in the Subject's report.

Subject Catalyst and Subject Reminder emails will be sent only if Subjects have been selected for self-response.

How Email Send Date Relates To Your Time Zone

Auto Emails are dispatched at approximately 11:30 a.m. UTC/Greenwich Mean Time. (When North America is on Daylight Saving Time, dispatch is at 10:30 a.m. UTC.)

This corresponds with North America 6:30 a.m. Eastern Time, 3:30 a.m. Pacific Time.

Check that this is appropriate to your locality. For instance in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, this is so late in your day that you may prefer to dispatch emails the "previous" day.

Note as well that local use of Daylight Saving Time is likely to shift these times.

"Send Date" check-box

 If an Auto Email or Project still needs more work, leave the "Send Date" box unchecked on the email Modify page and save your email as a draft. Only when you are satisfied that the email is ready for delivery should you check the box and date the email.

To quickly see a list of all scheduled emails, check the "Upcoming Auto Emails" list on the Overview tab, located right below the Project grid.