How Do I Avoid Problems With Auto Emails?

Some Possible Issues:

Careless Reading

Some people don't read their emails carefully. They might delete them and then believe they never received them.


  • You can easily re-send an email, by using "Re-Send Emails".
  • Improve the Subject line of your emails to make it clearer and more recognizable.
  • By scheduling multiple emails per project, such as a Pre-Announcement email, a Catalyst email, and a few Reminders, the likelihood that the message will eventually be read increases significantly.

Firewalls, Spam Checkers, And Other Defences

Firewalls and spam checkers may be set up so rigorously that they reject legitimate emails. They may object if emails are sent in batches, or from an outside source, but with an inside return address (e.g. your project administrator).


  • If most of your emails are going to a single organization, request its IT department to "allowlist" email from as an acceptable sender.
  • See the "Email IT Information" section of this GUIDE for the detailed advice.