The Group/Aggregate Report adds strategic value to your 360-degree feedback process by providing data about human assets that can be gathered in no other way. Its accuracy is impressive, providing it is interpreted with care, because it is based on a broad sampling of responders.
Customize reports
Because you are able to generate separate Group reports for individual departments, divisions, locations, etc., you can develop additional analyses that provide valuable guidance to these areas. As well, relevant data can be ordered by mean, median, and/or standard deviation, to reveal the distribution of strategically important strengths and weaknesses.
Combine projects
You can combine several 360-degree feedback projects into one Group report. For instance, if you ran a 360 project to assess one quarter of your employees in each season, you could generate a Group report at year-end that would cover the entire organization.
Include/Exclude Subjects
You can include or exclude from your Group report any individuals you choose.
In addition, you can create special Group reports covering individuals who fall into one specific sub-group (e.g. Location: Texas Plant) or in both of two sub-groups (e.g. Location: Texas Plant, and Department: Production). This allows you to focus precisely on groups with special skills or needs. And you can include only those whose personal reports have already been generated, or those who meet minimum response thresholds per responder category (which you can set to suit your needs).
For the protection of the privacy of those being assessed, you can choose whether they will be listed by name or by numeric code only. This allows their individual identities to be concealed from those with no need-to-know, while still providing a complete view of the ratings.
Additional options
You can generate specially-marked interim reports, to help you see the trends before the 360 process is complete.
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