About the Main Tabs

These tabs divide up the tasks involved in setup and management of a 360-degree feedback Project:


  • Overview of activity including projects and auto emails.
  • Access to Clients.
  • Access to Settings.
  • Access to Download.
  • Access to Order More Credits.

1. Project

  • Name the Project for your own instant access.
  • Provide a title for the Project that will appear on Reports.
  • Identify the end user (i.e. your client).
  • Set the opening date.
  • Import an earlier project as a template.
  • Choose whether to require Subjects to re-submit email addresses that were incorrect.

2. Questionnaire

  • Customize the format of your Questionnaire, including introduction, closing, question numbering, and scales.
  • Write the question section: headings, numerical questions, narrative comments.
  • Or import Questionnaires from the Panoramic Feedback library.
  • Adapt your Questionnaire to other languages.
  • Preview Questionnaire.

3. People

  • Edit the list of Responder Categories
  • Enter your Subjects and Responders into the Project People List. (If available, import their data quickly using the DataBank.)
  • Group Responders into Categories, based on their relationship with the Subject, and determine how their responses will display in Reports.
  • Assign particular Responders to particular Subjects.
  • Re-Open Subjects' Questionnaires that have been closed.
  • Generate PID labels for Responders without email.
  • Generate paper questionnaires (PDF format) for Responders without Internet access.

4. Emails

  • Design automated email notifications for Responders, by adapting our default texts.
  • Design emails that request Subjects to choose their own Responders.
  • Design emails that automatically generate reports and provide them to Subject.
  • Send test emails for decision-makers' approval.
  • Schedule send dates for emails.

5. Reports

  • Generate individual's Reports.
  • Create Group Reports (aggregate reports) to guide organizational strategy.
  • Export raw response data for statistical analysis.
  • Write introductions to Reports.
  • Adapt Reports to other languages.