GUIDES: On most pages you'll find a "Guide" button next to the page title. Guides provide a complete overview of the task at hand.
TUTORIALS: On the first page of each tab, you'll find a "Tutorial". Tutorials will guide you through the use of the tab. (There's also a tutorial for the DataBank Import.)
FAQs: Click "?" icon at the top-right of the screen. The dropdown menu will provide a link to frequently asked questions.
Support page: Click "?" icon at the top-right of the screen. The dropdown menu will provide a link to the Contact Support page with our contact information. The Support page also provides access to LiveChat.
Instant help: The smaller "?" icons on most pages provide instant, brief, pop-up Help about a specific topic. The Help appears whenever you move your mouse over the icon.
Help option on grids: On all grids, you'll find a "Help" link at top right. The Help page explains the powerful functionality available from grids.
The blue ">>" bars on some pages allow you to fold-out additional information. Click anywhere on this line to fold and unfold.