Edit Person

To edit any person's listing (often to correct an email address), go to the PEOPLE tab, then the People List sub-tab, and click Modify. This will open the "Data and Responders For" page.

"Data and Responders For" page

This page consists of two tabs: Person Details and Responders.

  • Person Details: This tab allows you to enter and edit information about the participant, whether they are a Subject or a Responder.

  • Responders: This tab, which is active for Subjects only, displays the Responders for the selected Subject. It allows you to make adjustments to the responder list for that Subject. At any time, you can add, remove, or reassign Responders. 

Person Details

Use the Person Details tab to enter and edit the person's information.

For Responders, only email addresses are required.

For Subjects, required data includes:

  • the person's name (to identify them in questionnaires and reports)
  • email address if available (to send them requests to self-assess)


  • gender (used in English-language questionnaires only, to assign correct pronouns like "him", "her" in the questionnaire introduction)
  • job title

Enter Subjects before Responders

It is often most convenient to enter all Subjects first, using the "Data And Responders For" page. This page requires more data than is needed for Responders, so you will enter Responders using different options.