What happens if I de-select someone as a Responder?

How to de-select a Responder?

To remove an individual as a Responder for a specific Subject, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the People List.
  2. Select the Subject, then open their "View/Add Responders" listing.
  3. In the Responders grid, click on the "None" radio button for the Responder you wish to remove from the list for this Subject.
  4. Click "Save" when you're done.

By doing so, this individual will no longer receive any further email notifications regarding this Subject, and their responses (if any) for this Subject will be excluded from the response compilation.

Note: This action will not delete the individual from the People List. The individual may still remain as a Responder for other Subjects.

What happens after you de-select a Responder?

Even if no longer a Responder, the person will remain on the People List. However, if they have already responded for this Subject, that response will not be counted.

If necessary, you can re-select the same person later. In this case, their previous response will be re-instated, ready to be counted in reports.