Narrative Comments

The Narrative Comments are vital to the success of the 360 process, offering participants valuable insights into specific strengths and development needs that may not be captured by summarized quantitative data alone. These comments add depth and context, often playing a key role in helping participants understand the changes their Responders are hoping to see.

Comment boxes in Panoramic Feedback questionnaires impose no restrictions on the length of the text entered, allowing Responders to provide as much detail as they wish.

While completing each comment box isn't mandatory, we strongly encourage Responders to provide their input, as comments offer valuable observations.

Three types of comment boxes in Panoramic Feedback questionnaires:

  • Per-Heading Comments 
  • Comment boxes anywhere in the questionnaire 
  • Concluding Comments

1. Per-Heading Comments

By default, comment boxes are automatically added after each Heading/section in the questionnaire.

If you need to edit the default title of the comment boxes or disable these automated boxes altogether, go to the QUESTIONNAIRE tab and select "Comments".

2. Comment boxes available elsewhere (Enterprise edition only)

To invite comments in other parts of the questionnaire, insert 'Narrative Comment' elements into your question list: go to the QUESTIONNAIRE tab and select "Add New". You can add comment boxes wherever desired.

3. Concluding Comments

The standard Panoramic Feedback questionnaire provides one comment box in the concluding section of the questionnaire. You are free to insert additional Concluding Comments, with no limit on the number you can add: go to the QUESTIONNAIRE tab and select "Comments".

Each concluding box element has a Title and Introduction, which you can edit.

Control the display of comment boxes

In the questionnaire, when it's displayed to responders:

By default, comment boxes are displayed for all groups of responders, enabling them to provide feedback.

However, if needed, you can restrict this feature for specific responder categories. To do so, go to the PEOPLE tab, navigate to the Responder Categories sub-tab, and edit the category to choose whether to "Request Comments?". If you choose not to request comments for a particular category, the comment boxes will not appear in the questionnaire for responders in that category.

In 360 reports: 

a) By default, all submitted narrative comments are included in the Subjects' 360 reports.

If needed, you are able to generate 360 reports without narrative comments: go to the REPORTS tab -> Subject's Report sub-tab. On the Sub-Reports side-tab, choose whether to "Show Narrative Comments".  

(Alternatively, you can export the narrative comments to a separate text file, analyze common trends, and present comments to the Subjects as common themes.)

b) Narrative comments in 360 reports are typically compiled by each Responder Category.

If you, however, wish to present all narrative comments as one unified group, without separating them by category, you can adjust this setting on the REPORTS tab. Go to the Responder Categories sub-tab and adjust the "Allow Comment Display" option for your responder categories.