
Subject Settings

Subjects of feedback typically complete self-assessments. However, if you wish to disallow that, just unselect “Enable Subject Self-Response and Subject Portal” under the “Subject Settings” sub-tab. Doing so ensures that…
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About the PEOPLE tab

The PEOPLE tab is the location where you manage all tasks related to the people in your 360-degree feedback Project. On the PEOPLE tab, you can: Add new people, and…
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What are the sub-tabs on PEOPLE tab?

The PEOPLE tab is conveniently divided into several sub-tabs. People List Responder Categories Import DataBank (Premier Edition only) Export DataBank (Premier Edition only) The most frequently used sub-tab is the People…
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People List

The People List compiles all information about people in the project into one easy-to-manage grid. (See "Help" on the grid for more details about how grids work). Each person is…
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Responder relationship Categories

The relationship between a Responder and a Subject is used to determine how the Responder's response will be grouped with those of other Responders. The groups are called Responder Categories.…
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Bulk Add Responders

On the "Data And Responder For" page, click "Add Responders" on the grid: To select Responders already on People List: Select from List To add new Responders: "Add New: Bulk" When…
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Quick Add Responders

On the "Data And Responder For" page, click "Add Responders" on the grid. "Add New: Quick" option allows you to easily add just one-two Responders at a time. This option…
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How do I edit people listings?

There are three ways to view or edit people's information: On People List sub-tab, double-click the listing for the individual in the grid. On People List sub-tab, click "Modify" in…
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Edit Person

To edit any person's listing (often to correct an email address), go to the PEOPLE tab, then the People List sub-tab, and click Modify. This will open the "Data and…
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Merging People

Sometimes, the same individuals are invited to assess multiple Subjects. Typically, when you enter the same individual multiple times, the system handles this seamlessly. However, it can happen that one…
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How do I assign Responders?

You can have the Subjects assign Responders, via a special Subject Portal (Premier Edition Projects only.) Set it up by using the Subject Catalyst and Subject Reminder emails on the…
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