
About The EMAILS Tab

On this tab, you manage your Auto Emails: Create, edit, and delete emails Establish delivery dates, and re-send emails or force them out immediately Send test emails to yourself and…
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What Are Auto Emails?

Auto Emails are automated email notifications that inform Responders and Subjects about 360-degree feedback projects. They provide a link to the specific URL at which Subjects and Responders can perform…
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What are PID and URL?

PID means Personal ID that is assigned automatically. Here is the format of a PID: abc-123456-78-wxyz URL is the address used to access the Responder page or the Subject portal.…
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Generating an Auto Email

On the EMAILS tab, click 'Add New" on the grid, then select the appropriate email type.   You may edit the email Subject line to provide a subject line that invites…
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How do I re-send Auto Emails?

The "Re-send emails" feature was designed for the purpose of re-sending an email to those who misplaced/deleted it, as well as to new or updated addresses, or when the original…
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Information for your IT

Spam is a constant source of irritation on the Internet, and some organizations take aggressive measures to protect themselves from it. Our Auto Emails are mass mailings. It is hard…
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